Source code for biosppy.clustering

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module provides various unsupervised machine learning (clustering)

:copyright: (c) 2015-2018 by Instituto de Telecomunicacoes
:license: BSD 3-clause, see LICENSE for more details.

# Imports
# compat
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from six.moves import map, range, zip
import six

# 3rd party
import numpy as np
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
import scipy.cluster.vq as scv
import scipy.sparse as sp
import sklearn.cluster as skc
from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid

# local
from . import metrics, utils

[docs]def dbscan(data=None, min_samples=5, eps=0.5, metric='euclidean', metric_args=None): """Perform clustering using the DBSCAN algorithm [EKSX96]_. The algorithm works by grouping data points that are closely packed together (with many nearby neighbors), marking as outliers points that lie in low-density regions. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. min_samples : int, optional Minimum number of samples in a cluster. eps : float, optional Maximum distance between two samples in the same cluster. metric : str, optional Distance metric (see scipy.spatial.distance). metric_args : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the distance function. Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for each found cluster; outliers have key -1; clusters are assigned integer keys starting at 0. References ---------- .. [EKSX96] M. Ester, H. P. Kriegel, J. Sander, and X. Xu, “A Density-Based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 226-231, 1996. """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") if metric_args is None: metric_args = {} # compute distances D = metrics.pdist(data, metric=metric, **metric_args) D = metrics.squareform(D) # fit db = skc.DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples, metric='precomputed') labels = db.fit_predict(D) # get cluster indices clusters = _extract_clusters(labels) return utils.ReturnTuple((clusters,), ('clusters',))
[docs]def hierarchical(data=None, k=0, linkage='average', metric='euclidean', metric_args=None): """Perform clustering using hierarchical agglomerative algorithms. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. k : int, optional Number of clusters to extract; if 0 uses the life-time criterion. linkage : str, optional Linkage criterion; one of 'average', 'centroid', 'complete', 'median', 'single', 'ward', or 'weighted'. metric : str, optional Distance metric (see 'biosppy.metrics'). metric_args : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the distance function. Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for each found cluster; outliers have key -1; clusters are assigned integer keys starting at 0. Raises ------ TypeError If 'metric' is not a string. ValueError When the 'linkage' is unknown. ValueError When 'metric' is not 'euclidean' when using 'centroid', 'median', or 'ward' linkage. ValueError When 'k' is larger than the number of data samples. """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") if linkage not in ['average', 'centroid', 'complete', 'median', 'single', 'ward', 'weighted']: raise ValueError("Unknown linkage criterion '%r'." % linkage) if not isinstance(metric, six.string_types): raise TypeError("Please specify the distance metric as a string.") N = len(data) if k > N: raise ValueError("Number of clusters 'k' is higher than the number" \ " of input samples.") if metric_args is None: metric_args = {} if linkage in ['centroid', 'median', 'ward']: if metric != 'euclidean': raise TypeError("Linkage '{}' requires the distance metric to be" \ " 'euclidean'.".format(linkage)) Z = sch.linkage(data, method=linkage) else: # compute distances D = metrics.pdist(data, metric=metric, **metric_args) # build linkage Z = sch.linkage(D, method=linkage) if k < 0: k = 0 # extract clusters if k == 0: # life-time labels = _life_time(Z, N) else: labels = sch.fcluster(Z, k, 'maxclust') # get cluster indices clusters = _extract_clusters(labels) return utils.ReturnTuple((clusters,), ('clusters',))
[docs]def kmeans(data=None, k=None, init='random', max_iter=300, n_init=10, tol=0.0001): """Perform clustering using the k-means algorithm. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. k : int Number of clusters to extract. init : str, array, optional If string, one of 'random' or 'k-means++'; if array, it should be of shape (n_clusters, n_features), specifying the initial centers. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations. n_init : int, optional Number of initializations. tol : float, optional Relative tolerance to declare convergence. Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for each found cluster; outliers have key -1; clusters are assigned integer keys starting at 0. """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") if k is None: raise TypeError("Please specify the number 'k' of clusters.") clf = skc.KMeans(n_clusters=k, init=init, max_iter=max_iter, n_init=n_init, tol=tol) labels = clf.fit_predict(data) # get cluster indices clusters = _extract_clusters(labels) return utils.ReturnTuple((clusters,), ('clusters',))
[docs]def consensus(data=None, k=0, linkage='average', fcn=None, grid=None): """Perform clustering based in an ensemble of partitions. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. k : int, optional Number of clusters to extract; if 0 uses the life-time criterion. linkage : str, optional Linkage criterion for final partition extraction; one of 'average', 'centroid', 'complete', 'median', 'single', 'ward', or 'weighted'. fcn : function A clustering function. grid : dict, list, optional A (list of) dictionary with parameters for each run of the clustering method (see sklearn.model_selection.ParameterGrid). Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for each found cluster; outliers have key -1; clusters are assigned integer keys starting at 0. """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") if fcn is None: raise TypeError("Please specify the clustering function.") if grid is None: grid = {} # create ensemble ensemble, = create_ensemble(data=data, fcn=fcn, grid=grid) # generate coassoc coassoc, = create_coassoc(ensemble=ensemble, N=len(data)) # extract partition clusters, = coassoc_partition(coassoc=coassoc, k=k, linkage=linkage) return utils.ReturnTuple((clusters,), ('clusters',))
[docs]def consensus_kmeans(data=None, k=0, linkage='average', nensemble=100, kmin=None, kmax=None): """Perform clustering based on an ensemble of k-means partitions. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. k : int, optional Number of clusters to extract; if 0 uses the life-time criterion. linkage : str, optional Linkage criterion for final partition extraction; one of 'average', 'centroid', 'complete', 'median', 'single', 'ward', or 'weighted'. nensemble : int, optional Number of partitions in the ensemble. kmin : int, optional Minimum k for the k-means partitions; defaults to :math:`\\sqrt{m}/2`. kmax : int, optional Maximum k for the k-means partitions; defaults to :math:`\\sqrt{m}`. Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for each found cluster; outliers have key -1; clusters are assigned integer keys starting at 0. """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") N = len(data) if kmin is None: kmin = int(round(np.sqrt(N) / 2.)) if kmax is None: kmax = int(round(np.sqrt(N))) # initialization grid grid = { 'k': np.random.random_integers(low=kmin, high=kmax, size=nensemble) } # run consensus clusters, = consensus(data=data, k=k, linkage=linkage, fcn=kmeans, grid=grid) return utils.ReturnTuple((clusters,), ('clusters',))
[docs]def create_ensemble(data=None, fcn=None, grid=None): """Create an ensemble of partitions of the data using the given clustering method. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. fcn : function A clustering function. grid : dict, list, optional A (list of) dictionary with parameters for each run of the clustering method (see sklearn.model_selection.ParameterGrid). Returns ------- ensemble : list Obtained ensemble partitions. """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") if fcn is None: raise TypeError("Please specify the clustering function.") if grid is None: grid = {} # grid iterator grid = ParameterGrid(grid) # run clustering ensemble = [] for params in grid: ensemble.append(fcn(data, **params)['clusters']) return utils.ReturnTuple((ensemble,), ('ensemble',))
[docs]def create_coassoc(ensemble=None, N=None): """Create the co-association matrix from a clustering ensemble. Parameters ---------- ensemble : list Clustering ensemble partitions. N : int Number of data samples. Returns ------- coassoc : array Co-association matrix. """ # check inputs if ensemble is None: raise TypeError("Please specify the clustering ensemble.") if N is None: raise TypeError( "Please specify the number of samples in the original data set.") nparts = len(ensemble) assoc = 0 for part in ensemble: nsamples = np.array([len(part[key]) for key in part]) dim = np.sum(nsamples * (nsamples - 1)) // 2 I = np.zeros(dim) J = np.zeros(dim) X = np.ones(dim) ntriplets = 0 for v in six.itervalues(part): nb = len(v) if nb > 0: for h in range(nb): for f in range(h + 1, nb): I[ntriplets] = v[h] J[ntriplets] = v[f] ntriplets += 1 assoc_aux = sp.csc_matrix((X, (I, J)), shape=(N, N)) assoc += assoc_aux a = assoc + assoc.T a.setdiag(nparts * np.ones(N)) coassoc = a.todense() return utils.ReturnTuple((coassoc,), ('coassoc',))
[docs]def coassoc_partition(coassoc=None, k=0, linkage='average'): """Extract the consensus partition from a co-association matrix using hierarchical agglomerative methods. Parameters ---------- coassoc : array Co-association matrix. k : int, optional Number of clusters to extract; if 0 uses the life-time criterion. linkage : str, optional Linkage criterion for final partition extraction; one of 'average', 'complete', 'single', or 'weighted'. Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for each found cluster; outliers have key -1; clusters are assigned integer keys starting at 0. """ # check inputs if coassoc is None: raise TypeError("Please specify the input co-association matrix.") if linkage not in ['average', 'complete', 'single', 'weighted']: raise ValueError("Unknown linkage criterion '%r'." % linkage) N = len(coassoc) if k > N: raise ValueError("Number of clusters 'k' is higher than the number of \ input samples.") if k < 0: k = 0 # convert coassoc to condensed format, dissimilarity mx = np.max(coassoc) D = metrics.squareform(mx - coassoc) # build linkage Z = sch.linkage(D, method=linkage) # extract clusters if k == 0: # life-time labels = _life_time(Z, N) else: labels = sch.fcluster(Z, k, 'maxclust') # get cluster indices clusters = _extract_clusters(labels) return utils.ReturnTuple((clusters,), ('clusters',))
[docs]def mdist_templates(data=None, clusters=None, ntemplates=1, metric='euclidean', metric_args=None): """Template selection based on the MDIST method [UlRJ04]_. Extends the original method with the option of also providing a data clustering, in which case the MDIST criterion is applied for each cluster [LCSF14]_. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. clusters : dict, optional Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from `data`) for each cluster. ntemplates : int, optional Number of templates to extract. metric : str, optional Distance metric (see scipy.spatial.distance). metric_args : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the distance function. Returns ------- templates : array Selected templates from the input data. References ---------- .. [UlRJ04] U. Uludag, A. Ross, A. Jain, "Biometric template selection and update: a case study in fingerprints", Pattern Recognition 37, 2004 .. [LCSF14] A. Lourenco, C. Carreiras, H. Silva, A. Fred, "ECG biometrics: A template selection approach", 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2014 """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") if clusters is None: clusters = {0: np.arange(len(data), dtype='int')} # cluster labels ks = list(clusters) # remove the outliers' cluster, if present if '-1' in ks: ks.remove('-1') cardinals = [len(clusters[k]) for k in ks] # check number of templates if np.isscalar(ntemplates): if ntemplates < 1: raise ValueError("The number of templates has to be at least 1.") # allocate templates per cluster ntemplatesPerCluster = utils.highestAveragesAllocator(cardinals, ntemplates, divisor='dHondt', check=True) else: # ntemplates as a list is unofficially supported because # we have to account for cluster label order if np.sum(ntemplates) < 1: raise ValueError( "The total number of templates has to be at least 1.") # just copy ntemplatesPerCluster = ntemplates templates = [] for i, k in enumerate(ks): c = np.array(clusters[k]) length = cardinals[i] nt = ntemplatesPerCluster[i] if nt == 0: continue if length == 0: continue elif length == 1: templates.append(data[c][0]) elif length == 2: if nt == 1: # choose randomly r = round(np.random.rand()) templates.append(data[c][r]) else: for j in range(length): templates.append(data[c][j]) else: # compute mean distances indices, _ = _mean_distance(data[c], metric=metric, metric_args=metric_args) # select templates sel = indices[:nt] for item in sel: templates.append(data[c][item]) templates = np.array(templates) return utils.ReturnTuple((templates,), ('templates',))
[docs]def centroid_templates(data=None, clusters=None, ntemplates=1): """Template selection based on cluster centroids. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for each cluster. ntemplates : int, optional Number of templates to extract; if more than 1, k-means is used to obtain more templates. Returns ------- templates : array Selected templates from the input data. """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") if clusters is None: raise TypeError("Please specify a data clustering.") # cluster labels ks = list(clusters) # remove the outliers' cluster, if present if '-1' in ks: ks.remove('-1') cardinals = [len(clusters[k]) for k in ks] # check number of templates if np.isscalar(ntemplates): if ntemplates < 1: raise ValueError("The number of templates has to be at least 1.") # allocate templates per cluster ntemplatesPerCluster = utils.highestAveragesAllocator(cardinals, ntemplates, divisor='dHondt', check=True) else: # ntemplates as a list is unofficially supported because # we have to account for cluster label order if np.sum(ntemplates) < 1: raise ValueError( "The total number of templates has to be at least 1.") # just copy ntemplatesPerCluster = ntemplates # select templates templates = [] for i, k in enumerate(ks): c = np.array(clusters[k]) length = cardinals[i] nt = ntemplatesPerCluster[i] # ignore cases if nt == 0 or length == 0: continue if nt == 1: # cluster centroid templates.append(np.mean(data[c], axis=0)) elif nt == length: # centroids are the samples templates.extend(data[c]) else: # divide space using k-means nb = min([nt, length]) centroidsKmeans, _ = scv.kmeans2(data[c], k=nb, iter=50, minit='points') for item in centroidsKmeans: templates.append(item) templates = np.array(templates) return utils.ReturnTuple((templates,), ('templates',))
[docs]def outliers_dbscan(data=None, min_samples=5, eps=0.5, metric='euclidean', metric_args=None): """Perform outlier removal using the DBSCAN algorithm. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. min_samples : int, optional Minimum number of samples in a cluster. eps : float, optional Maximum distance between two samples in the same cluster. metric : str, optional Distance metric (see scipy.spatial.distance). metric_args : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the distance function. Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for the outliers (key -1) and the normal (key 0) groups. templates : dict Elements from 'data' for the outliers (key -1) and the normal (key 0) groups. """ # perform clustering clusters, = dbscan(data=data, min_samples=min_samples, eps=eps, metric=metric, metric_args=metric_args) # merge clusters clusters = _merge_clusters(clusters) # separate templates templates = {-1: data[clusters[-1]], 0: data[clusters[0]]} # output args = (clusters, templates) names = ('clusters', 'templates') return utils.ReturnTuple(args, names)
[docs]def outliers_dmean(data=None, alpha=0.5, beta=1.5, metric='euclidean', metric_args=None, max_idx=None): """Perform outlier removal using the DMEAN algorithm [LCSF13]_. A sample is considered valid if it cumulatively verifies: * distance to average template smaller than a (data derived) threshold 'T'; * sample minimum greater than a (data derived) threshold 'M'; * sample maximum smaller than a (data derived) threshold 'N'; * position of the sample maximum is the same as the given index [optional]. For a set of :math:`\\{X_1, ..., X_n\\}` :math:`n` samples: .. math:: \\widetilde{X} = \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^{n}{X_i} d_i = dist(X_i, \\widetilde{X}) D_m = \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=1}^{n}{d_i} D_s = \\sqrt{\\frac{1}{n - 1} \\sum_{i=1}^{n}{(d_i - D_m)^2}} T = D_m + \\alpha * D_s M = \\beta * median(\\{\\max{X_i}, i=1, ..., n \\}) N = \\beta * median(\\{\\min{X_i}, i=1, ..., n \\}) Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. alpha : float, optional Parameter for the distance threshold. beta : float, optional Parameter for the maximum and minimum thresholds. metric : str, optional Distance metric (see scipy.spatial.distance). metric_args : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the distance function. max_idx : int, optional Index of the expected maximum. Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices (rows from 'data') for the outliers (key -1) and the normal (key 0) groups. templates : dict Elements from 'data' for the outliers (key -1) and the normal (key 0) groups. References ---------- .. [LCSF13] A. Lourenco, H. Silva, C. Carreiras, A. Fred, "Outlier Detection in Non-intrusive ECG Biometric System", Image Analysis and Recognition, vol. 7950, pp. 43-52, 2013 """ # check inputs if data is None: raise TypeError("Please specify input data.") if metric_args is None: metric_args = {} # distance to mean wave mean_wave = np.mean(data, axis=0, keepdims=True) dists = metrics.cdist(data, mean_wave, metric=metric, **metric_args) dists = dists.flatten() # distance threshold th = np.mean(dists) + alpha * np.std(dists, ddof=1) # median of max and min M = np.median(np.max(data, 1)) * beta m = np.median(np.min(data, 1)) * beta # search for outliers outliers = [] for i, item in enumerate(data): idx = np.argmax(item) if (max_idx is not None) and (idx != max_idx): outliers.append(i) elif item[idx] > M: outliers.append(i) elif np.min(item) < m: outliers.append(i) elif dists[i] > th: outliers.append(i) outliers = np.unique(outliers) normal = np.setdiff1d(list(range(len(data))), outliers, assume_unique=True) # output clusters = {-1: outliers, 0: normal} templates = {-1: data[outliers], 0: data[normal]} args = (clusters, templates) names = ('clusters', 'templates') return utils.ReturnTuple(args, names)
def _life_time(Z, N): """Life-Time criterion for automatic selection of the number of clusters. Parameters ---------- Z : array The hierarchical clustering encoded as a linkage matrix. N : int Number of data samples. Returns ------- labels : array Cluster labels. """ if N < 3: return np.arange(N, dtype='int') # find maximum df = np.diff(Z[:, 2]) idx = np.argmax(df) mx = df[idx] th = Z[idx, 2] idxs = Z[np.nonzero(Z[:, 2] > th)[0], 2] cont = len(idxs) + 1 # find minimum mi = np.min(df[np.nonzero(df != 0)]) if mi != mx: if mx < 2 * mi: cont = 1 if cont > 1: labels = sch.fcluster(Z, cont, 'maxclust') else: labels = np.arange(N, dtype='int') return labels def _extract_clusters(labels): """Extract cluster indices from an array of cluster labels. Parameters ---------- labels : array Input cluster labels. Returns ------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices for each found cluster; outliers have key -1; clusters are assigned integer keys starting at 0. """ # ensure numpy labels = np.array(labels) # unique labels and sort unq = np.unique(labels).tolist() clusters = {} # outliers if -1 in unq: clusters[-1] = np.nonzero(labels == -1)[0] unq.remove(-1) elif '-1' in unq: clusters[-1] = np.nonzero(labels == '-1')[0] unq.remove('-1') for i, u in enumerate(unq): clusters[i] = np.nonzero(labels == u)[0] return clusters def _mean_distance(data, metric='euclidean', metric_args=None): """Compute the sorted mean distance between the input samples. Parameters ---------- data : array An m by n array of m data samples in an n-dimensional space. metric : str, optional Distance metric (see scipy.spatial.distance). metric_args : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the distance function. Returns ------- indices : array Indices that sort the computed mean distances. mdist : array Mean distance characterizing each data sample. """ if metric_args is None: metric_args = {} # compute distances D = metrics.pdist(data, metric=metric, **metric_args) D = metrics.squareform(D) # compute mean mdist = np.mean(D, axis=0) # sort indices = np.argsort(mdist) return indices, mdist def _merge_clusters(clusters): """Merge non-outlier clusters in a partition. Parameters ---------- clusters : dict Dictionary with the sample indices for each found cluster; outliers have key -1. Returns ------- res : dict Merged clusters. """ keys = list(clusters) # outliers if -1 in keys: keys.remove(-1) res = {-1: clusters[-1]} else: res = {-1: np.array([], dtype='int')} # normal clusters aux = np.concatenate([clusters[k] for k in keys]) res[0] = np.unique(aux).astype('int') return res